Marleen Allemann

Education and Youth

Marleen joined Praxis in summer 2021. Previously, she has worked in Tallinn University and at the Education and Youth Board. She holds Bachelor’s degree in Politics & Governance and Master’s degree in Political Science. In addition to the field of education, she is also fascinated by the topics of power, democracy and party politics, as well as political culture.

Marleen has experience in international cooperation, as while working at the university, she coordinated the internationalization process of one institute and dealt with building partnerships and supporting the international mobility of researchers. She also has an experience as a lecturer – she has given lectures and supervised seminars in Tallinn University. Marleen speaks English fluently and Russian and Swedish at beginners’ level.

If she should describe herself in just three words, she would use the phrase “worldchanger by nature”. To express this side of her personality, Marleen sometimes writes opinion articles about social and political issues in various media outlets.

In her free time, she can be found running, reading and eating ice cream.