Praxis Centre for Policy Studies, Estonia’s think tank, has completed three extensive analyses of inclusion practices. The analyses provide a thorough case-specific overview of inclusion in preparing development plans as well as in longer-term policy-making processes. Also, the analyses addressed the role and function of the permanent advisory bodies at ministries as a form of inclusion.

The analyses involved several new aspects. It was the very first time for Estonia to consider the preparation of a development plan and policy-making process in such depth, by tackling all the major process stages. Both analyses entailed interviews with key persons among the persons including as well as those included.

Also, the work of the permanent advisory bodies was under scrutiny for the first time – they have been active as a form of inclusion at ministries for a long time but their specific character and functions had not been studied as yet.

Please examine the English-language summaries of the analysis report:

  • Analysis of inclusion in preparing development plans
  • Analysis of inclusion in longer-term policy-making processes
  • Permanent advisory bodies as a form of inclusion

The analyses form a part of the project aimed at taking the capacity of Estonia’s non-profit representative organisations in policy-making processes to a level that helps the decision-makers grasp the essence of problems, come up with ideas for solving the problems and assess the potential impacts of the solutions.

The project helps promote policy implementation skills, develop intersectoral cooperation networks, strengthen the collaboration between non-governmental organisations and governmental agencies, and improve the availability and quality of public services.